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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Chika Cheryl Y 강사 칼럼

It's been raining almost all week! (本日は英語で書いてみました)

2017년 10월 18일

Hello, this is Chika! How have you all been? It's getting colder lately, and my daughter has been caughing a lot since last weekend:( I hope you take care of yourself, and please try not to get sick!

Last week, I chatted with a friend of mine who used to be a student at the language school I worked. She said she saw my former co-worker, a British man, last month. Then, she told me an interesting story about rain.

When they were walking outside, it started raining.

She said

"Oh, it started raining!",

but he said

"No, it's not raining. It's drizzling!"


Is this a new word for you? "To drizzle" means to rain lightly; 霧雨が降る in Japanese.

You know, British people are, in my opinion, particular about the choice of words when they talk about rain. That's probably because they have a lot of rain there and it's very natural for them to talk about the weather in their daily lives. This short story was very interesting to me from a socio-linguistic point of view.

How many words do you know to express how rain falls? Please count them up!

That's all for today. I hope to see you soon!



이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

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