Staying Motivated or Staying Disciplined? モチベーションか規律か?

周间主题: Staying Motivated: How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions


Setting resolutions is something I enjoy, but keeping up the motivation for them often becomes tricky after a few weeks. So, this year, my plan is a bit different. Instead of relying solely on motivation, I want to focus on being disciplined. My resolutions include meditating, exercising regularly, reducing screen time, and reading a few pages of a book every day. I've realized that relying on motivation alone isn't really longlasting as Motivation tends to come and go. That's why I'm trying to turn these actions into habits, a part of my daily discipline. Even on days when I'm not feeling motivated, I try to do them, even if it's just for five minutes, as a way to train my mind. I sort of trick my mind, saying I'll only do it for a short time, but once I start, I often find myself doing it for much longer. It's a little mind game that seems to be working for me!


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尼泊尔语   母语程度
英语   接近母语程度
印地语   流利
日语   日常会话程度
西班牙语   只能说一点


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