Ghostly Prank


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I believe in ghosts. 

I grew up in a relatively spiritual and religious family. Although I am no longer the latter, a part of me still believes that death is not the end. 

My first encounter with a ghost was when I was eight years old. I was in my father’s study room at the time, playing around with his Windows ‘95 computer, happily chatting with strangers online. Come to think of it, teachers and parents would warn us about doing that now, but not back then. 

Anyway, it was close to 6 p.m. The sun set pretty early where I lived, so I soon found myself in a dark room. The only light in the room was coming from the computer screen. 

As I was typing away, I heard three steady knocks on the window behind me. I thought nothing of it, walked over to the window and looked outside. No one was there. Mind you, the room was on the second floor, so if anyone wanted to pull a prank on me, they would have to climb up. Moreover, the way the balcony was designed made it impossible for anyone to hide. 

I thought it was simply a figment of my imagination, so I closed the curtain again and went back to my computer. Less than ten seconds later, another three knocks sounded. This time, I charged towards the window and yanked the curtain open

Again, no one was there. I looked left and right. Nothing. 

By then, I felt pretty puzzled. I sat down again. 

Minutes later, the phone next to the computer beeped and my father’s voice echoed through the speaker. 

“Karen, could you come down to the kitchen, please?” he said. 

I responded and ten minutes later, went downstairs to see my father. When I asked him what was up, he told me he never called me in the first place. He said he was confused as to why I was talking by myself on the phone. 

My housekeepers used to say in passing that the house we lived in was haunted. She said she could see two spirits–one by the staircase and another one in my bedroom. I thought she was just trying to scare me, so I laughed it off. 

I’m not so sure any more.

What do you guys think about ghosts and supernatural things? Do you think there is a scientific explanation behind the phenomenon?

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