Some useful prank and joke expressions.

Kevin O.

To celebrate April 1st, I've put together some prank and joke expressions that you may find useful. 

Pull a prank ("He pulled a prank on his sister."): This collocation is a casual way of saying somebody performed a prank or tricked someone in a funny way.

Crack a joke ("He cracked a joke to his friends."): This is a fun, casual way of saying somebody "made a joke". 

Make fun of ("He made fun of John because of John's strange new haircut."): This is a very common expression. It means you are making a joke about someone, usually in a negative or mean way.

Punchline ("When he said the joke's punchline, everybody laughed."): This is the final part of a joke, and usually the funniest part. Without a punchline, nobody would laugh. 

Setup ("The joke had a long setup before the punchline."): This is the joke's story, before the punchline. This part is probably not funny, but you need it for the punchline.

Butt of the joke ("He was angry that he was the butt of the joke."): This is the joke's "victim". This person is being insulted or pranked.

I hope these are helpful. If you have any questions, or more expressions to suggest, please comment below or even book a lesson with me!

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