레슨 카테고리

강사가 사용하는 언어

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인문학 석사 (인문 계열) Community Counselling
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평균 응대 시간
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3년 전
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통화 툴

레슨 시간대  

이 강사는 통상 희망하시는 레슨 일정의 24시간전 까지 레슨 신청을 받고 있습니다.
스케줄은 비정기 스케줄입니다.
리퀘스트 날짜와 시간을 확인해 주세요.
Asia/Tokyo 시간으로 표시됩니다.
이 강사는 현재 수강할 수 없습니다.
Hello I'm Richard, I'm Australian, and I love to hear about people's opinions and lives. So this is a great job for me. 
i generally work with post- intermediate, intermediate and advanced learners. I utilise conversations about every day subjects which includes What's happening in the world today?

But I also like to help people achieve goals which is why I often work with business people, and students preparing for exams. I like to carefully assess your needs, and ensure you are getting exactly what will help you develop your English. 

Those interested in my business lessons will pay more, but I think you'll find my "coaching approach" very helpful for you to negotiate the English speaking business world. In particularly we could focus on:
  • negotiations 
  • running meetings
  • presentations
  • job interviews
  • small talk and networking. 
  • or just do conversations. 
So look out for those lessons. However if you just want to be relaxed and talk about social, world, cultural and political issues then you might prefer some of my conversation classes. They are about fluency, but you will also get some "grammar" feedback if you want it. 

Over to you, and I would invite  you to have a short 15 minute session for an assessment, and to see if you are confortable with my style. 

카페토크의 취소 방침

리퀘스트 확정 전

  • 언제든 취소 가능

리퀘스트 확정 후

  • 레슨 시작 24시간 전→ 언제든 취소 가능
  • 레슨 시작 24시간 이내→ 취소 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.
  • 노쇼→ 취소 요금이 발생할 수 있습니다.
    (자세한 사항은 강사에게 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.)

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