EnglishWithKris 讲师的通知

☆PRICE INCREASES☆ July 20th~♡!


Hi everyone!

I have safely made it to the DC area and have (almost) completely settled into my new apartment!! :) I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to getting back into lessons!

As many of you know, I am about to start a new program at a university. I am working towards a Ph.D. in Linguistics! I know I’m going to be busier than ever, and I can’t wait to get started. <3 Many of you may also know that I am a Limited Term-Lecturer for a private university. I am the Lecturer for a Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction program. On top of all of this, I have my own ESL business locally and online with private lessons, which is apart from Cafetalk. 

All of this to say that as much as I love Cafetalk it is only my side-hustle. <3 (side-hustle [noun]: A job done for fun, rather than money.) I started teaching at Cafetalk as a way to earn points so I could buy Spanish lessons! xD But since I’ve been loving Cafetalk so much, I wanted to keep my Cafetalk students as a regular part of my schedule. This is still true! 
Thus, I will continue to teach with Cafetalk in the fall (end of August - December) with limited hours. :)

However, with the amount of work that I have ahead of me in the fall, I know that I will have a very “full plate.” My future Ph.D. is so very important to me, and it will be my highest priority. In order to help justify the time and energy that I put into my Cafetalk lessons, I will be increasing my prices next week, which will remain in place throughout the late summer and fall seasons.

- This week, I have opened up so many lesson slots! This is your last week to book lessons at the current pricing rate. :)
First Day of Kris’ University Classes: August 24th
I have temporarily closed my schedule from July 20th onward. I will re-open future weeks on July 20th, once I have increased my prices according to the list below.
- First Day of Cafetalk Price Increase: July 20th

On Monday, July 20th, I will make the following increases:
[NO FEEDBACK REPORT] (30min) Chat with Kris
800 points  1000 points

(20min) Chat with Kris 
900 points 1200 points

☆LESSON PACK☆ (20min) Chat with Kris
Regular:  1200 P/Lesson
Pack:       1100 P/Lesson

(40min) Chat with Kris
1,400 Points 2,000 points

Thank you so much, everyone, for all of your understanding and continued support. :) I really appreciate every review, every lesson request, and every kind message!

All the best,
Kris :) 

