I'm not naturally an angry person.....BUT


Today I watched in disbelief as a small child chased and tried to kick birds, and then threw stones at deer. He then proceeded to try and feed bottle caps and trash to the deer, which of course they tried to eat as they believed him to be offering a kind gesture of food!


I was so sad to see such a young child thinking this was funny. When I was young I loved animals, and I feel it is in our nature to feel empathy for other beings who experience pain and sadness like we do.


I shouted at the kid to stop and he ignored me! I was totally shocked.


When I saw him throw the stones I thought ‘enough is enough’ and got between him and the deer.

He still didn’t care and tried to run around me, continuing to throw them at the deer!!! 

I shouted at the parents to take better responsibility for their kid and they looked at me like I was a bad person!


I’m sick of these idiots thinking they can abuse wildlife!
They are not just another 'tourist attraction' for you to use and abuse.

I may have only been living in Japan for 1 year, but I have had a respect for nature my whole life, and had a deep innate sense of what is right and what is wrong since I was young.


If these parents raise their kid doing things like this then how will he ever have any respect for humans when he grows up?! 


The deer in Nara are considered sacred, and therefore the Japanese treat them with the highest respect. But every year over 100 of them die because of stupid incidents like this. I even noticed English signs like the one in the photo below today, so now there is no excuse to behave like this (not that there is ever an excuse to harm other humans or animals) if you cannot read Japanese.

This was found inside a deer's stomach due to them being fed things that they shouldn't be eating!

I hope I never have to see anything like this again. My girlfriend said we should leave as I was arguing with the kids Dad, as she didn’t want any trouble. I was getting pretty mad!!!


I hope he reconsiders his duty of being a responsible parent. 

I noticed him shout at his son after I left so I think he got the message!!!

Sometimes in life, it feels like the right thing to do is to turn away and not 'cause a scene'.
But in truth, this pacifist act can often lead to more hard and suffering being caused.

This phrase below was often repeated during the second World War. It was a time when sitting back and NOT taking action would allow a shocking level of evil to take place. 

'All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing' 

I think it's important to acknowledge that if we all sit back and turn a blind eye, allowing suffering to take place, we are only 'marginally' better than the peoeple who are causing the suffering in the first place.

I am a highly experienced professional English teacher, Yoga Instructor, Tai Chi teacher, Nutrition Consultant and Personal Trainer from London, UK. I recently left London to work and travel around Japan on a Working Holiday Visa with my best friend and longtime girlfriend Ashley (who is also a teacher on Cafetalk : https://cafetalk.com/tutors/profile/?id=54542&lang=en ). We love sharing adventures travelling, teaching, exploring and understanding new cultures. We hope to speak with you soon!

If you would like to follow my travels on instagram, and see where we are in the world you can do so here:

https://www.instagram.com/pb_fitness_zen_yoga/?hl=en - My personal page


https://www.instagram.com/thisnihonlife/ - The travel page for my girlfriend and I

Please check out my lessons if you are interested in learning real, authentic British English, or have an interest in Yoga, healthy eating or general health and fitness.


Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a lesson at a time in which my schedule is not open. I will always do my best to accomodate every student.

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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