What kind of shoes do you like the most?

每週主題: I want to buy these shoes next!

Beth S

I used to prefer boots but now I prefer trainers (UK) / sneakers (US). Although I really like shopping, fashion and buying new things, at the moment, I am trying to shop less. 

I know that fast fashion has a very bad impact on the environment and the people who make these clothes and shoes are not treated well. 

That's why the next pair of shoes I would like to buy are Vejas. These are "vegan" leather trainers. They are made using environmentally-friendly materials and the people who make them are given a fair wage. However, they are quite expensive. They cost around 20,000 yen. Do you think this is a fair price for ethical clothing? For me, it' worth it. 

fast fashion - clothes and shoes that are cheap and thrown away after a few uses 
bad impact - negative results / consequences
vegan - not made from animals or animal products
environmentally-friendly - doesn't harm nature or the environment
fair wage - a salary that allows people to live a normal life 


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