A Word List to Learn 90% of the Most Common Words in English

Sarah McGee

In any language, some words are used more than others. Would you like to learn the most common words in English?

The Oxford 3000 Word List includes the 3000 most commonly used words in the English language. If you learn this list, you will know 90% of the words that you need in everyday English and at work.

You can find the Oxford 3000 Word List online at the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary website:


By clicking on a word, you can go to its definition and see example sentences. You can also hear the pronunciation in both British and American English. You can choose words with the “Filters” button:

  • A1 and A2 words are for beginning learners

  • B1 words are for intermediate learners

  • B2 words are for upper-intermediate learners

  • C1 words are for advanced learners

To learn the words, it is best to use them.  You can try making sentences with the words.  You can also use paper notecards or vocabulary apps on your phone to practice the words. 

There are also special books for people learning English called “graded readers” that are written at different vocabulary levels. Pearson offers some graded readers that you can order:



Start off with a book at your current vocabulary level: if there are 5 or more words on a page that you do not know, the book is too hard, and you should pick another book.

Remember, to learn English, you must use English! Listen, read, write, speak: use your words.

Enjoy learning your new vocabulary!

by Sarah McGee

(The Oxford 3000 picture is from the Advanced Learner's Dictionary website listed above, under fair use.)

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