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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Rubrica di Spiritual Counselor Keiko

満月瞑想 アメリカ―カナダ―日本がつながる

Mar 10, 2020

「満月の瞑想 聖マリアアセンション ガイド 水の瞑想」Zoomオンライン瞑想 今日開催しました
We held Full moon meditation , Maria ascension guide and water meditation today. 
I meditated connecting America-Canada-Japan!  There are first-time participants from the United States. C hiko is  one of Maria Blue Members from Canada translated. First experience of Japanese and English meditation.  Thanks to Chiko! I was nervous first ‘but Maria came along halfway through and I was just telling her message.  
When I was receiving a Maria message , my body seemed to be connected to another dimension rather than being in three dimensions, and after meditation my body was lighter.  "What was I worried about?"
I received nice comments. The comments are also synchronized.
That was so wonderful!  Thank you so much. Many, many blessings. Sometimes it is so valuable to see the love on the face of people who speak different language and have a different culture.  Thank you!
You did not seem nervous at all!  You seemed so natural . 

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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