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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Momo Sensei 강사 칼럼

Common Onomatopoeic Words

2019년 11월 27일

What could be this much long word in English? I can hear your inner sound :) Today, i am going to talk about what onomatopoeia and how much we use them in our lives.

First of all, here is the definition of Onomatopoeia.

'Words that imitate the sounds of noises they refer to what is named.'

If you remember Old Macdonal had a farm song, mostly you sound the animal calls with this way. And the kids can understand animal's sounds.

I am writing here some conditions and their onomatopoeic sounds. Can you guess what they are?

Human Sounds

Voice: Hum, grunt, mutter, chatter,yack or yak, blab, lisp, sneer, snicker, giggle, whimper, bawl,squeal, shriek,whoop.

Noise and Mouth: Shush, whistle, smoock, cluck, smack, crunch, munch, gulp, spit, sputter, splutter, slobber, cough, sniff, sniffle, hiccup, huff, snort, snore, belch.

Hands: Pat, clap, slap, smack.

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